Sunday 26 June 2022

Teaching as my Profession

TEACHING ; My Chosen Profession 

“Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.”  - Unknown

Teaching as Profession

Profession is any type of work that needs a particular skill and special training, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education.

Teaching is a noble profession. If we say that someone is a noble person, you admire and respect them. Teachers are professionals. Being a professional encompasses much more than being “good” at your profession.

It is not just a paid occupation. This profession comes with so much duty and responsibility toward students. I want this profession because it gives me the opportunity and privilege of making an impact on society and one's life. I want to share my love for learning and to inspire and motivate my learners to exceed and reach their highest potential. 



I aim to meet the needs of my learners and to teach effectively based on their different learning styles. I'll use various teaching strategies that encourages learners to understand content areas effectively and foster academic and character development. To create an inclusive classroom in which all students know how to appreciate and respect the individual differences and diverse cultures. 

I believe that supporting students to help them find their passion and developing an open and creative mind with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in the 21st Century will enable them to succeed and become influential, confident and capable members of society.


Honestly, teaching wasn't my first chosen profession. I fear failing to become a great educator who can change the lives of my learners. But my father, who's also a teacher, encouraged me to pursue teaching. And after learning these concepts, I can say that teaching was more than a job. Because teachers do much more than teach. A teaching profession is not just being an educator; it shapes the future generation.


- Angelika Marie T. Bautista -
(Future Teacher)

The Kind of Teacher I Aspire To Be

I have decided that I want to pursue teaching and become an educator. It's time to figure out precisely what kind of teacher I aspire to...