Sunday 3 July 2022

Reflection: The Need to Uphold the Legal Mandates of the Teaching Profession


Are teachers being humiliated, ridiculed, and dishonored? "Teacher-shaming" we probably already heard that word. This issue isn't a new thing in this society. Looking past the teachers who experienced teacher-shaming, several teachers are erroneously accused of violating children's human rights. Because of these accusations, teachers experienced shaming on different platforms, especially social media. Like what happened in 2019, in one of the segments of "Raffy Tulfo in Action" that was widely broadcasted on television and other online platforms. It is about a complaint against a teacher about the way of disciplining her students. That teacher was not only forced to quit and give up her profession but was also humiliated and disrespected.

Teachers are to implement reasonable disciplinary actions over the conduct of the students while protecting their dignity and respect. To prevent me from being teacher shamed or conflicting with the law, it is necessary to uphold the legal mandates of the teaching profession.

As a future educator, I must know that my actions will always have consequences. Understanding the legal mandates containing the rules and regulations I must follow will serve as a foundation and a guide for me to know how to exercise my rights as a teacher rightfully. Through upholding the legal mandates provided for teachers, as a future teacher, I will familiarize myself with the limitations of my actions that come from my duty to prevent any problems regarding discipline and classroom management.





The Kind of Teacher I Aspire To Be

I have decided that I want to pursue teaching and become an educator. It's time to figure out precisely what kind of teacher I aspire to...