Sunday 3 July 2022

My Ethical Stance for Teaching via Online or Flexible Learning Modality



I believe that teachers are role models. And to know how to set a positive example for the students, they must know the code of ethics for teachers. A code of ethics will guide teachers to understand the standards and responsibilities they are accountable to uphold. Whether teaching in the means of face-to-face or online, a teacher must know how to present themselves. Not only in how they dress in front of their students or communicate in class.

As stated in Article II Section 3 Code of Ethics for teachers,  every teacher shall be physically, mentally, and morally fit to teach. Because if teachers are not "fit" to teach, it will negatively impact the student's learning.


Sometimes, a teacher may encounter problems, but it doesn't mean that a teacher should give up their duty as educators. It clearly says in Article II Section 4 that every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty. Therefore, no matter their difficulties and problems, they must be committed to fulfilling their duty as facilitators of learning.


Teachers must always be prepared, resourceful, and creative. Article IV Section 2, Code of Ethics, states that every teacher shall uphold the highest possible quality education standards. Therefore, this means to be best at all times in the practice of the profession as educators.


As a future teacher, mistakes are common for humans. And teachers are humans, too; that is why they also have shortcomings. The Code of Ethics helps me be aware of the responsibilities and standards I must achieve to be an educator who can give students a quality education. 

The Kind of Teacher I Aspire To Be

I have decided that I want to pursue teaching and become an educator. It's time to figure out precisely what kind of teacher I aspire to...